Northern Network of Specialized Care

The North Community Network of Specialized Care is a collaborative network of specialized clinical services and community partners from across Northern Ontario that is committed to improving the quality of life of adults with a developmental disability. Hands is the lead agency for the North Network.


Adults with developmental disabilities with an existing mental health issue and/or challenging behaviour.

Who Can Benefit

Northern Ontario covers over 800,000 square kms. of land with a population of 840,000 people. With vast distances between communities, videoconferencing (VC) plays a pivotal role in bringing people and resources together throughout the North. Across the North we host 39 VC sites which is a 44% growth since 2009! As members of the North Network, northerners experience enhanced access to specialized services and professional education in their local communities.

Service Features

Coordination and Delivery of Specialized Services

  • Assessment, consultation and treatment services are delivered by our North Network Clinicians across the northern region utilizing a multidisciplinary approach. VC is our primary method of service delivery!
  • Specialized Accommodations is a short term treatment service. In our northern communities, the model of delivery emphasizes enhanced specialized services in a person’s home or in one of our six locations in the north as required.


Introduction to Behaviour Support Plans (BSP) 

This introductory e-module is intended to be used in conjunction with the BSP Workbook, accessible online. Relevant sections of the Quality Assurance Measures (QAM) are highlighted throughout. Topics include: purpose of a BSP, development and implementation requirements, intrusive behaviour interventions, positive behaviour strategies, monitoring and review.

To demonstrate knowledge retention, the learner will complete quiz questions presented throughout the module and a Final Test. The successful learner can print a Certificate of Completion. *This module is not intended to teach learners how to conduct a Functional Behaviour Assessment.

Access Introduction to Behaviour Support Plans (BSP) e-module.

To learn more, view event poster.